Friday, October 1, 2010

Your Primary Investment

First published January 1981

I hope you all had a very merry Christmas and a very pleasant holiday. I mentioned something in my last newsletter that I feel is important enough to discuss further and I hope it gives you some wonderful ideas for your New Year’s resolutions.

Most people at this point in time are very confused about the economy. Among those worried about the economy are people who own gold, property owners, stockholders, investors in the commodity market, bankers, housewives, doctors, and innumerable others who have all seen major money mis-management in this country. They wonder what the future will bring, what actions the new president will take, and in general, what to believe about the economy. I have always put emphasis on a person’s “beingness”, his abilities, and on having a good “valuable final product.” Your ability to produce a good product will carry you through any economic situation, more than all the gold and real estate you can buy, although those are also excellent investments. Your primary investment should always be yourself as you are far senior to anything in the “material universe.” Realize than an investment in yourself enables you to better control all those other investments that you want to do well with. I ran into a friend the other day who said something like, “Richard, I just don’t know what I’m going to do about my cash flow! I can do well with my investments, but I have a terrible time with my monthly income!” My answer must have sounded oversimplified to him when I said “Go out and make more money!” which is the most basic answer to cash flow problems. “The income potential of any usual group is established by the demand for income, not by any other important factor.” “In financial supervision on an International basis, this is the only factor one works with.” “While it is reasonable to suppose that income will occur for other reasons and can be achieved in other ways, the actual fact is that only demand by the group produces any income at all.”

Find a clear cut valuable, final product and produce it, and find the clear cut positive beingness that goes along with that product and be that beingness. You will then have more money than you know what to do with. If you need help or think you could do better with this, come to our next personal achievement workshop. In the area of economics, again, invest in yourself by getting educated as the first and most important action. Currently our economic condition is determined by the politicians, so learn the politics of economics. You need training and education for anything that you want to accomplish, make more money at, or accumulate more of etc. So get yourself trained. And now back to those New Year’s resolutions I mentioned! Sit down and work out the financial areas (and any others) that you feel you need the most help with, and make a resolution to make an investment in yourself, specifically to handle those areas, whether it be better tax handling, financial planning, real estate investments or money and economics in general. And then carry them through!

I have noticed that where a person has trouble with cash flow or income, etc. he is not sufficiently aware of what his product is or has not sufficiently assumed the “beingness” that goes with that product. Whatever your beingness – doctor, bricklayer, waitress, consultant, and whatever your product, they can be embellished and enhanced to a point where you produce a more desirable product and you make more money! Hazy ideas of your product or you beingness won’t do, like “Well, I am a salesman of sorts…” or “Well, I’m trying to get started in ___________, but if it doesn’t work out, I will try _______________.”

Some of my expectations for 1981 are that the interest rates will peak pretty soon between 21 and 25%. Sometime in the first quarter of 1981, they could fall as low as 11 or 12%. By the way, I never stop investing in real estate because interest rates are rising. I lost too much money when I did that! I just continue to find the good deals, which are often easier to find in times of high interest rates. If the rates later go down drastically, so what? Then you refinance your property at the lower rate. I’m also expecting a nice upward trend in hard money (gold, silver, diamonds) starting in the first quarter of 1981. You can call my office for an update of these prices anytime. And now is a good time for buying.

On the other hand you can have the best product available and in high demand but people see you as how you think you are, you put it out there as a mock up and everyone sees you that way. So change the way you think you are, mock up the better you so that people see that better you and want to be part of your life and happy New Years and a lot of success for you this years.

With much admiration

Richard G. Stewart
R.G. Stewart

Levels of Investment

Originally published October/November 1981

In teaching the Millionaires Course, I have found that the new students have no idea what they will learn, until they have actually done the course. The students who have done the course managed to discover enough about it in advance in order to buy it. However, I find that they really know nothing about the benefits and knowledge they will gain until after they do it.

The reason I am promoting to you the Millionaires Course again, is that I feel it is so extremely important. This course will put you in the position of cause over your financial situation. You will learn not to accept other people’s false data or misunderstood data on investments. This course will give you enough knowledge to see through their misunderstood or false data. You will know what you are doing when you put your money into an investment, whether it be any kind of real estate (single family houses, multiple units, commercial property, land development, mobile homes, etc.) stocks, bonds, mutual funds, gold, silver, diamonds, treasury bills, or any of many other types of investments. This course will give you the understanding to see through these types of investments and to help you know which people selling you money products really know what they are talking about.

You may say, “Yes, but I am just an average reader of your newsletter…I work a 9 to 5 job, and just do the best I can. I have never even considered making investments, and I don’t have a lot of money to go out and start dealing in real estate. I think you are way above my head.”

Well, all right – You are spending money on a monthly basis anyway, just to live. You must learn to spend properly the money you have and to accumulate asserts with it rather than waste it, and in five or six years or when you retire, you will have assets to fall back upon. You will be able to retire without depending on Social Security or any other pension plan that may no longer exist at that time. You will be able to ensure not only your future but also your children’s and any group, church, or charity you support.

You are spending money now when you pay for rent, your car, the furniture you put in your house, and your retirement plan. Make certain the money you are spending for these things is utilized properly and in the end you will have something you can really fall back on, or sooner, if you need to borrow for personal enhancement of any sort.

Some of my clients have said “I don’t even consider retirement. I just don’t feel I must have something at the end of my lifetime.” To them, I say of course, it’s difficult to take it with you when your body dies! If you can invest in yourself and increase your awareness of who you are now and who you will always be, that’s wonderful. And that is why you are the most basic and important investment, but you need money to invest in yourself.

The next thing to invest in is you (your identity) and the game you are going to play here in the physical universe that you receive your cash flow from. The Millionaires Course is designed to help you locate just exactly what identity or game that is, and to help you add fuel to it so that you can double or triple your income NOW. Then you take some of that money, and by spending it properly, you will build up your own retirement plan so that even if you don’t think you need it, you will have it, and who doesn’t like to have a cushion? Given a cushion of reserve money, you could even take a couple of years out to do something for yourself or your family (courses, studies, etc.) or even vacation and enjoy life!

Others of you say, “Well, I don’t want to invest in material things and get stuck in them. Investing, investment programs, buying real estate – all these things are material transitory things, and I would rather concentrate on spiritual betterment.”

To you I say that the more spiritual you are, the more ability you have to control the physical universe. I believe in God and I go to church and I want to improve myself and get closer to god but even my church is a business. Maybe it’s a not for profit one but I can assure you that the clergy running it have had to take time away from their spiritual journeys and training to learn how to manage money and investments. There are some very savvy business managers behind the scenes running those organizations that we go to to get closer to God. And truthfully, if you really want to have control of all aspects of your life, you have to master the material universe as well.

The sooner you start confronting it and gaining knowledge on the subject, the more responsibility you will be able to take, and naturally, you will have much more control.

My viewpoint is this: You get the knowledge. It is so magical that sometimes you don’t even have to do anything, and the flow of energy and money will just start rolling in your direction. Its amazing when you have the knowledge and ability, people just know you do and begin wanting your help. Before you know it you find yourself succeeding beyond your imagination because you know something that others don’t know.

I think this is the time, the best time of all, to get educated. The changing economy puts us in a position that we need to know more now than ever before. It’s up to you to create your own future and take responsibility for your survival in all areas of life, and this course will give you the data to become wealthy in all areas of your life. See you there.

At this point, I would say that I would increase my cash flow. I wouldn’t borrow money to pay bills – just make more money. Keep putting your reserves away in hard assets. Buy your first home, or if you already have, move up to your next level. There are special deals out there. But most of all invest in yourself as your basic investment.

You have my best,

Richard G. Stewart
R.G. Stewart